Training Program Outline

Types of Training:

Individual development: (mostly static structure, evergreen content)

  1. Job Description

  2. Employee Handbook

  3. Starter Guide

    1. Basic Training Log

    2. Guide to Selling Training

    3. Basic Operations Training

    4. Brand Training

    5. One on Ones (Bi monthly)

    6. Staff Meeting Guide

    7. Specialized Role Development

    8. Job Description Review (IDP)

  4. Buyer Training

  5. Manager Training 

Daily/Weekly/Monthly for Team:(forever evolving)

  1. Daily Report

  2. Google Calendar

  3. Asana

    1. Nightly Communication

    2. Specialized Role Communication & Tasks

  4. Team Training/Communication Log

    1. Monthly Recaps

    2. Updates on Staff News (secret web)

    3. Read & Signs

    4. Posted info in common areas

    5. On the floor modules

    6. Product Quizzes

    7. Team/Training Meetings

Reference Materials: (forever evolving)

  1. Daily Operations

  2. Policy & Procedure 

  3. Product Knowledge Training 

  4. (SR)Visual Binder & Brand Guide 

  5. (SR)Social Media Binder

  6. (SR)Consignment Binder

  7. (SR)Community Binder

  8. (SR)Web binder

  9. Buyer Guide Binder

  10. Staff Website

Basic Training/Onboarding (Completed over first 4 shifts)

-register training

-shop policies overview

-introduction to tools

-employee handbook

-daily ops binder

-daily report

-basic training log

Guide to Selling Training

-selling cycle

-denim selling cycle

-Customer experience Expectations

-Work Stations (while multiple people are working)

Basic Operations Training (operational tasks all staff should understand)

-daily weekly monthly tasks


-packaging Standards

-basic inventory management (receiving & cycle counts)

-processing standards

-garment maintenance guide

Brand Training

-Brand values

-target customer

-black label

-personality of La Loupe

Product Knowledge

-Pricing Structure

-measuring garments & measuring humans


-condition matrix

-modern brand guide

-Garment terminology (glossary)

-dating vintage

-denim product knowledge

-T shirt Product knowledge

-militaria product knowledge

-designer product knowledge

-beauty & Apothecary knowledge

Quality Control

-identifying and communicating garment issues

-Understanding quality garments vs. mass produced garments

Garment Maintenence

-sewing buttons

-stain removal

-shoe care

-leather care

Shop Standards-


-daily weekly monthly task list

Buyer Training

-Customer Service

Specialized roles-

What are they and why do we have them?

-social media


-vendor relations

-customer relations

-visual merchandising

Performance Check in Process

-one on ones

-job description review (IDP)

-performance improvement plan (PIP)

-customer experience report (secret shop)

-smart goals