Booking Appointments & Recruiting Potential Sellers

Using Google Calendar to book appointments:

  1. When you’ve established that the seller would be a good fit book an appointment using Google Calendar.

  2. Refer to the schedule to make sure a time with a buyer is available. Keeping mid-shift breaks in mind.

  3. Create an event

  4. Select the date and time (no appointments before 12:30 and none after 6)

  5. In the title add Seller’s Name and Phone number

  6. If time add a few notes in the description (what kind of items etc) 

Please Note:

Try not to book more than 2 appointments per day if possible.

Fielding calls/ inquiries from potential sellers:

  1. Ask if they’ve sold with us before.

    1. If not, have they visited our shop before? If no, proceed to briefly tell them what kind of items we mostly buy. Then proceed to step 2.

    2. If yes, proceed to step 2

  2. Ask what kinds of items they are looking to bring in?

  3. If the items sound like a good fit proceed to booking an appointment time for them.